Clean Water

Clean water impacts every aspect of our lives. Many families in Murindi share a single jerry can of poor well water each day, primarily used for drinking and cooking. This leaves no excess water for bathing, brushing teeth, washing hands, or cleaning clothes. Without enough clean water, children miss school from sickness or unacceptable hygiene. Hope Haven has provided Murindi with access to clean water, and this is quickly transforming lives throughout the rural community.

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VideoAbbey PintComment
Kivu Hills Coffee

Contracted for the package design and site page for a coffee label, sourced from Boneza, Rwanda and roasted in Michigan by Schuil Coffee Company.

Kivu Hills Coffee is sourced from the beautiful hills of Western Rwanda and roasted in Michigan by Schuil Coffee Company. For each bag sold, Schuil Coffee Company will donate $3 to Arise Rwanda Ministries.

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Feeding Program

Filmed over five years, Hope Haven Rwanda's goal was to showcase their local Feeding Program with a feature student for marketing and event purposes. I managed the writing, cinematography, and editing of over 30 contracted videos with Hope Haven Rwanda. The videos were used for marketing and at fundraisers with great donation results.

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Education Program

Filmed over five years, Hope Haven Rwanda's goal was to showcase their education program with a feature student for marketing and event purposes. I managed the writing, cinematography, and editing of over 30 contracted videos with Hope Haven Rwanda. The videos were used for marketing and at fundraisers with great donation results.

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Rwanda Documentary

This nonprofit documentary project was captured between 2012 and 2015. I spent countless invaluable hours filming stories throughout Rwanda to tell the story of a village transformation. The village of Murindi, Rwanda is located just outside of the capital city of Kigali. Hope Haven Rwanda is a nonprofit situated in Murindi and provides education, clean water sources, employment, and much more to the community. I was fortunate enough to make this beautiful country my home-away-from-home for 5 years, capturing transformation before my eyes. Thank you to Nate Kempton and everyone at Hope Haven for giving me the opportunity to learn from you.

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VideoAbbey PintRwanda
Kicking Forward

Written, filmed and composed in 2014 as a college project at U. of Alabama. This short-documentary walks through former University of Alabama kicker, Jeremy Shelley's pursuit to the NFL.

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VideoAbbey Pint